Friday, April 22, 2022

「2022年最新」 马来西亚 市值最高 公司Top 5 - Yin's diary



马来西亚 市值最高 公司Top 5








马来西亚不仅有制造业,也已经成为一个创新中心。马来西亚的峇六拜自由工业区 — 有时被称为东方的硅谷。




世界排名:874 (7/1/2022)


世界排名:1071 (7/1/2022)



Public Mutual
Public Mutual Berhad, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank, is a top private unit trust management company and leading PRS provider in Malaysia.

Public Mutual, the largest private unit trust company in Malaysia, is no stranger to winning awards and accolades.

However, it carries a special meaning to be able to win multiple awards during an unprecedented year – a year largely influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Kuala Lumpur-based asset manager bagged four titles in the Asia Asset Management Best of the Best 2021 Awards: Best Retail House (Malaysia), Islamic Retail House of the Year (Malaysia), Best Sukuk Manager (Malaysia), and Best Investor Education (Malaysia).

Yeoh Kim Hong, chief executive officer of Public Mutual, attributes the company’s success to its investment philosophy, which is to invest in fundamentally-strong companies throughout various economic cycles.

“We invest in companies which have resilient earnings, strong financial positions and proven management track records. This enabled our funds to ride through periods of elevated market volatility in 2020 to deliver commendable returns for the year,” she says.

As at the end of 2020, Public Mutual’s retail assets under management grew 16.2% year-on-year to 93.8 billion ringgit (US$24 billion). Meanwhile, the company’s Islamic assets under management grew 18.1% year-on-year to 46.4 billion ringgit.

“Overall, the AUM growth in 2020 was mainly led by gains in our equity funds, coupled with inflows garnered via new fund launches. We also saw strong inflows into our bond funds in the first half of 2020 amid falling interest rates,” she says.

Meeting investors’ demand with new launches

During the year, Public Mutual launched several new funds to allow investors to capitalise on the latest investment trends. These include the Public e-Artificial Intelligence Technology Fund, Public Healthcare-Global Equity Fund, PB Greater China A-Shares Fund, PB Vietnam Global 40 Fund, Public e-Asia Pacific REITs Flexi Fund and Public e-Sukuk Fund.

Yeoh says the artificial intelligence technology and global healthcare funds allow investors to tap into the “thematic trends of artificial intelligence and increasing healthcare spending globally”, while the funds which invest in China A-shares and Vietnam enable investors to “gain exposure to the stronger economic growth potential of the Mainland China and Vietnam markets” respectively.

“On the other hand, Public e-Asia Pacific REITs Flexi Fund and Public e-Sukuk Fund were launched to allow investors to achieve higher returns from REITs and Islamic fixed income investments respectively given the low interest rate environment,” she adds.

Empowering talents, educating investors

During the pandemic, many individuals were still attracted to join the unit trust industry, as it is a good avenue for those looking for extra income or a career change. Public Mutual recorded a growth of 9.9% to 32,202 unit trust consultants (UTCs) as at end-2020, from 29,306 UTCs a year ago.

In order to ensure its UTCs are able to serve their clients efficiently, Public Mutual has provided a suite of digital platforms and tools, including Public Mutual Online (PMO), Pocket-PMO, Digital Onboarding and the e-Suitability Assessment.

“These digital platforms and tools have enabled our UTCs to run their businesses and provide their services to investors anytime and anywhere, regardless of the restrictions that have been put in place due to the pandemic,” she says.

In addition to empowering its UTCs, Public Mutual has also worked hard to increase the financial literacy levels of all Malaysians. Currently, it has a Learning Hub on its website, which provides over 40 financial planning and investment articles for all investors.

During the year, it launched MoneyKu – an initiative to help Malaysians understand topics such as inflation, diversification, and the importance of establishing a long term horizon when it comes to investing.

“Our aim is to produce more content that is not only educational and informative, but also attractive. As such, we have also started utilising the video-sharing social media platform, TikTok, to spread money management awareness among the younger generation,” she explains.

2021 Outlook

Yeoh expects global and domestic economic activities to gradually normalise towards the second half of 2021 amid the easing of movement restrictions.

“In addition, extensive fiscal stimulus measures and accommodative monetary policies undertaken by governments around the world should continue to underpin the global economic momentum,” she says.

She adds that oil prices are likely to recover with inflationary pressure remaining manageable.

Nevertheless, Yeoh feels that financial literacy is important among Malaysians. “Hence, we are doubling our efforts to increase the financial literacy levels of Malaysian households so that more Malaysians will be equipped with adequate financial knowledge and have a stronger financial footing,” she says. 

世界排名:1571 (7/1/2022)


世界排名:1696 (7/1/2022)


世界排名:1961 (7/1/2022)


任何咨询,可随时直接联络 - 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

给与拒绝的话和人从来都不是问题, 有问题的的恰好是聆听拒绝的声音? - Yin's diary





上个星期 见了一位 新朋友,虽然在手机简单了解聊了数次,

虽然没有到详谈甚欢, 但还是可以基本了解 新朋友 一再留言 是超级忙碌的生活,

年近 50 岁, 需要照顾 母亲,因为 母亲无法 长时间 站立,

这2年来 还有 忙碌的 生活和 工作 的朋友,

孝顺的孩子,应该是 挺稳定的 生活背景,

敲了几次见面时间, 又在我最喜欢的 STARBUCKS 见面,

第一次见面画面是,简朴的对方就因私事迟到,原定 2小时的见面时间要简短为 15分钟,

当下的我, 有点诧异 这位 大哥 的表达 和 过往基本了解 有些 相距甚远,

其实,当下 我已经明确表示 大哥 可以再约 下一次的 时间,

大哥又不可以了,哎呀, 怎么好呢,

挤一挤又可以一个小时, 好吧,解释快点还是来得及的,

在聊天中,大哥表示有非常稳定的收入,需要照顾母亲,并协助母亲给与群众 服务型行业,

收入每日最少可以获取 RM50 到 RM250 之间,过往还能出国旅游,也考虑7月份会再安排出国,


见面后的2个小时,还 斩钉截铁的特别交待讯息留言 迟点会开户,因为 大哥 年近 50岁 没有 公积金,没有 保险,我给与 完整的 资料 可以帮助 大哥 在 接下来 5到10年内,稳定的 建立 个人 公积金,并无需太多条件下即刻可以开始 迈向 比较健康的 财务资产,并且可以 逐步 从 最少的资本 得到 免费个人与意外保险,


这次我真的太单纯了,可以说是有点 傻眼,

隔天,这位大哥 火急火燎得让我得赶来他家给他家人介绍,当下虽然有些意外,大哥这么着急的一再联络我, 想来大哥应该是 非常认真的 想快点开始吧,


昨天听到大哥介绍的是服务性工作,还没太多想法, 不过,当下到了见了当下的场景是有点让我打退堂鼓的,坐在正中间的解释,当下的氛围又不太对,总觉得哪里怪怪的,

打了招呼后,一开始还拿着 IPAD 有点谨慎的和大哥母亲介绍并解释基本流程,一番交流后,大哥母亲给了个超级意外的另一个故事,

这位大哥母亲年约 70岁, 还再这么努力生活 服务 群众,虽然是在神圣的地方,依旧精神奕奕,声音还挺洪亮的,环顾四周,来往人群也不少,应该挺不错了,

大哥母亲表示,年过70 还再做, 而大哥哪有什么收入,用家里,吃家里,钱和生活费都是政府给与的一些救济金,而且保险费还给别人骗,边 瞪着站在面前的大哥, 还表示 哪有 什么钱,

你可以想象 这位 告诉我 有稳定收入, 能日进 高达 RM250 的大哥,当时在干嘛吗?


离开前,还对着大哥母亲提高声音 : 你跟她讲,你听她说。。。

当下的我 , 只有 “ 尴尬 ” 来形容,


但当下看着年长的母亲 看着我,当下我竟然有些找不到 词语 来 缓解 这样 的 尴尬,

毕竟 傍边还站着不少来自其他地区的访者,

刚过20分钟,重点都还没清楚解析, 大哥母亲就超级大气的表示,放心,你今天过来, 我不会让你空手回去,而且名字是我的,有钱财产以后也不要分。。。 BLA, BLA,BLA..... 拿I/C 给你。。。

额。。。我当下是有点蒙的, 还没听清楚,就开户,连傍边的大哥大姐都在看着我,总觉得哪里怪怪的。。。



刚开始,还介绍最近我帮助好几位朋友申请 公积金 特别提款,如果 大哥妹妹需要,我也可以给与帮助申请注册,但 大哥妹妹 也表示 没有公积金,因为之前已经提出,所以现在已经无法再提出任何公积金款项,

在我拿出电脑,把 资料和 IC 都拍好了,个人资料都陆续填入公司页面, 等着确认手机时,这位大哥的妹妹 一再表示 手机完全没线,无法收到讯息,

等了又等 30分钟,妹妹又表示 得上班了,当时有些好奇怎么这么迟的工作时间,放工时间应该也挺晚了吧,


当天, 就这么奇怪的结束会面,

原本还约定 隔天同时间再过来完成最后的手续,




简短的拒绝, 挺好的,

虽然是拒绝的开始, 交情就是这么自然而然地形成, 挺有趣地

上面着只是其中一个故事的过程,恰恰也是反应在 很多 其他的 各种各样的 人物与故事,


我们得回到一开始得初衷, 确定他們有比较了解产品和服务吗?




但你确定你拒绝得起,你 可以在接下来 5年内, 可以拥有现在 我遇到的你 更好,


相信你能越来越好,与你同行的我,亦会 很好,

20APRIL2022 , 06.30PM

这么神奇地开始,得好好地排除这些尴尬,今天放工后直接联络 问候 大哥母亲, 也希望 阿姨 别太压力负担, 有任何需要了解金融与财务知识 都可以联络我, 我也会 持续 发文 关于 政府,银行与私人界的正式讯息,而非误点击 来自 SCAMMER 的奇怪资讯,

虽然是拒绝的开始, 交情就是这么自然而然地形成, 挺有趣地,




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