Tuesday, February 15, 2022

GLOSSARY Public Mutual Fund 词汇表 - Yin's Diary


GLOSSARY  Public Mutual Fund  词汇表

Annualised Return
Compounded annual rate of return of the fund over the specific period.

Blue Chip Stocks
High quality stocks of companies which have a track record of stable earnings and dividends of at least 10 years.

Business Day(s)
Each weekday in which Bursa Securities is open for dealing. Note: The Manager may declare certain Business Days to be a non-Business Day, although Bursa Securities is open for business, if one or more of the foreign markets in which the fund(s) are invested therein are closed for business. This is to ensure that you will be given a fair valuation of the fund(s) at all times, be it when purchasing or redeeming units of the fund(s).

Cooling-off right
The right of a unitholder who is investing with Public Mutual for the first time, to change his mind and cancel an investment within 6 Business Days from the date of receipt by Public Mutual, of the investment application form and payment and will obtain a full refund of the said investment within 10 days of receipt of cooling-off notice by Public Mutual.

The cooling-off right, however, does not extend to a corporation or institution, the staff of Public Mutual and persons registered to deal in unit trust funds.

Defensive Stocks
Stocks which have relatively stable earnings through various economic cycles.

Direct Debit Authorisation (DDA)
DDA refers to the authorisation or mandate given by Account Holder to the Corporation and Bank to initiate the Direct Debit collection directly from the Account Holder’s current account, savings account or card account.

Distribution, if any, is declared at the end of each financial year, or for any other specified period. Distribution(s) paid is subject to availability of realised income and/or realised gains. Distribution (if any) will be reinvested unless investors opt for distribution to be paid out to them by indicating in the investment application form or PMO.

Dividend Stocks
Stocks which offer consistent dividend yields.

Forward Price
The price of a unit trust that is the NAV per unit calculated at the next valuation point after an instruction or a request is received.

Fund Volatility Factor (FVF)
FVF is a measure of the volatility of a fund’s returns relative to its annualised returns over a three-year period. A fund will have a higher FVF if its returns fluctuate widely against its annualised returns and vice versa. The FVF is subject to monthly revision by Lipper.

Fund Volatility Class (FVC)
FVC ranks all qualified funds by their FVF in an ascending order, which is then evenly divided into five classes. 20% of funds with the lowest FVF will be classified with FVC of “Very Low”, the next 20% are classified as “Low”, the middle 20% are classified as “Moderate”, the next 20% are classified as “High” and the highest 20% are classified as “Very High”. The FVC is revised every six months or other interval as advised by FIMM.

Growth Stocks
A growth stock is a stock of company that is expected to deliver increased sales or earnings over the long term.

Historical Price
The price of a unit that is the NAV per unit calculated at the valuation point before an instruction or request is received.

The term “incidental” in relation to distribution policy of the fund implies that the main focus of the fund will be on securing capital growth.

Index Stocks
Index component stocks of a selected benchmark market index.

Loaded, Partial-load, 1%-load, Low-load & Zero-load Units
Loaded units – Units which have incurred a sales charge of 3% or more through investments in equity/mixed asset/balanced funds.
Partial-load units – Units which have incurred a sales charge of less than 3% through investments in equity/mixed asset/balanced funds.
1%-load units – Units which have incurred a sales charge of above 0.50% through investments in bond funds.
0.65%-load units – Units which have incurred a sales charge of above 0.50% through investments in bond funds.
Low-load units - Units which have incurred a sales charge of 0.50% or less through investments in bond funds.
Zero-load units – Units of money market funds which have not incurred any sales charge.

Long Term
Long term refers to a period of more than 5 years.

Medium to Long Term
Medium to long term refers to a period of 3 years or more.

Net Asset Value (NAV)
The value of all the fund’s assets less the value of all the fund’s liabilities at the valuation point.

NAV Per Unit
The NAV per unit is the NAV of a fund divided by the number of units in circulation at the valuation point. It forms the basis upon which the prices of units of a fund are calculated.

Portfolio Turnover Ratio
An indication of how frequently the assets within a fund are bought and sold by the managers over a measurement period (usually a 12-month period).

Portfolio turnover ratio is calculated by taking the average of the total acquisitions and disposals of the investments in the Fund for the period over the average net asset value of the Fund calculated on a daily basis.

A rising portfolio turnover ratio reflects a higher level of rebalancing activities performed by the unit trust fund, and vice versa.

Regular Investment Instruction (RII)
A regular investment instruction (RII) is a request for monthly switching of zero-load, low-load, 0.65% load and 1%-load units of money market/bond funds to equity/balanced/mixed asset funds. Only a minimum of 200 units per month is required to carry out a RII.

Regular Investment Authorisation (RIA)
RIA is a facility that allow you to switch units from your bond/fixed income/money market fund account at a pre-determined interval (monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually) into equity/mixed asset/balanced funds. The minimum amount for switching under RIA is RM1,000.

Ringgit Cost Averaging (RCA)
RCA is a long-term investment technique where investor invests a fixed amount of money into a given investment (e.g. unit trust fund) on a regular basis, regardless of the price. This technique helps reduce the risk associated with investing a single large sum.

Islamic law originating from the Qur’an (the holy book of Islam), and its practices and explanations rendered by the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and ijtihad of ulamak (personal effort by qualified Shariah scholars to determine the true ruling of the divine law on matters whose revelations are not explicit).

Shariah Requirement
Is a phrase or expression which generally means making sure that any human conduct must not involve any elements which are prohibited by the Shariah and that in performing that conduct all the essential elements that make up the conduct must be present and each essential element must meet all the necessary conditions required by the Shariah for that element.

Sukuk is a financing instrument for the purpose of fund raising exercise whereby the underlying transaction may be structured based on various Shariah principles/ contracts.

Switching is considered as a redemption from a unit trust fund and investments into other unit trust funds under the management of the manager.

Total Return
Total return is the overall return of the fund over the period. Total return accounts for two categories of return: income generated by the fund which is reflected as distribution and the capital gain/loss of the fund which is reflected in the movement in the price of a unit.

Valuation point
Valuation point refers to such a time(s) on a Business Day as may be decided by the Manager wherein the NAV of the fund is calculated. Under normal circumstances, only one valuation is conducted on each Business Day.

For funds with no foreign investments, the valuation of the funds is conducted on each Business Day at the close of Bursa Securities.

For funds with foreign investments, valuation is conducted after the close of business of Bursa Securities for the relevant day. As certain foreign markets in which the funds may invest in have yet to close due to the different time zones of these countries, the valuation point may be extended to 9.00 a.m. (or any other such time as may be permitted by the relevant authorities from time to time) on the following day in which the Manager is open for business. As a result of having a valuation point later than 5.00p.m., the daily prices of the funds will not be published on the next Business Day but instead will be published the next following Business Day (i.e. the prices will be 2 days old).




具有至少 10 年稳定收益和股息记录的公司的优质股票。






首次在大众信托投资的单位持有人有权在大众信托收到投资申请表和付款之日起 6 个工作日内改变主意并取消投资并获得全额退款在收到大众信托基金的冷静通知后 10 日内完成上述投资。







直接付款授权 (DDA)

DDA 是指账户持有人授权或授权公司和银行直接从账户持有人的活期账户、储蓄账户或卡账户发起直接借记收款。



分配(如有)在每个财政年度结束时或任何其他指定期间宣布。支付的分配取决于已实现收入和/或已实现收益的可用性。分配(如果有)将被再投资,除非投资者通过在投资申请表或 PMO 中注明选择向他们支付分配。








基金波动率 (FVF)

FVF 是衡量基金回报相对于其三年期年化回报的波动性的指标。如果基金的回报与年化回报相比波动很大,则基金的 FVF 将更高,反之亦然。 FVF 由理柏每月修订。


基金波动率等级 (FVC)

FVCFVF升序排列所有合格基金,然后平均分为五类。 FVF 最低的 20% 的基金将被归类为非常低 FVC,接下来的 20% 被归类为,中间的 20% 被归类为中等,接下来的 20% 被归类为” ”,最高的 20% 被归类为非常高 FVC 每六个月或 FIMM 建议的其他间隔修订一次。















负载、部分负载、1% 负载、低负载和零负载单元

已加载单位——通过投资于股权/混合资产/平衡基金而产生 3% 或更多销售费用的单位。

部分负荷单位——通过投资于股权/混合资产/平衡基金而产生的销售费用低于 3% 的单位。

1% 负载单位——通过投资债券基金而产生高于 0.50% 的销售费用的单位。

0.65% 负载单位——通过投资债券基金而产生高于 0.50% 的销售费用的单位。

低负荷单位 - 通过投资债券基金而产生 0.50% 或更少销售费用的单位。









资产净值 (NAV)








指示基金经理在一个衡量期间(通常为 12 个月)内买卖基金资产的频率。






定期投资指示 (RII)

定期投资指令 (RII) 是每月将货币市场/债券基金的零负载、低负载、0.65% 负载和 1% 负载单位转换为股票/平衡/混合资产基金的请求。每月只需​​至少 200 个单位即可执行 RII


定期投资授权 (RIA)

RIA 是一种工具,可让您以预定的时间间隔(每月、每两个月、每季度、每半年、每年)将单位从债券/固定收益/货币市场基金账户转换为股票/混合资产/平衡基金. RIA 下转换的最低金额为 RM1,000


令吉平均成本 (RCA)




源自古兰经(伊斯兰教的圣书)的伊斯兰教法,以及先知穆罕默德 (pbuh) 和乌拉马克的 ijtihad(合格的伊斯兰教法学者个人努力确定神圣法律对启示不明确的事项)。







Sukuk 是一种用于集资活动的融资工具,基础交易可以根据各种伊斯兰教法原则/合同进行构建。













对于外商投资基金,估值是在马交所当天收市后进行。由于基金可能投资的部分海外市场因时区不同而尚未关闭,估值点可能会延长至上午 9 时(或相关当局可能允许的任何其他时间)时间)在管理人营业的第二天。由于估值点晚于下午 5 点,基金的每日价格将不会在下一个工作日公布,而是会在下一个工作日公布(即价格将为 2 天前)。

#yins_diary #lifestyle #零基础 #基金顾问 #publicmutual #publicmutualconsultant #基金 #unittrust #投资 #词汇表 #GLOSSARY

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