Saturday, February 26, 2022

Investors Fiesta Campaign with Public Mutual - Yin's diary


Investors Fiesta Campaign with Public Mutual

Here’s your chance to win a brand new Honda HR-V or other attractive prizes. 

Achieve your financial goals and at the same time help your loved ones to begin their journey towards financial freedom.

Invest with Public Mutual and participate in our Customer Referral Programme (CRP) for a chance to win a brand new Honda HR-V or other attractive prizes as below! 

Receive 1 lucky draw entry for every RM10,000 invested cumulatively into loaded units of equity/balanced/mixed asset funds and/or Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) funds during the campaign period. You can earn up to 50 lucky draw entries from this category

You can also earn more lucky draw entries when you participate in our Customer Referral Programme (CRP) and successfully refer Qualified New Unique Investors# to us. You will receive 1 lucky draw entry for every Qualified New Unique Investor# brought in during the campaign period. There’s no limit to the number of lucky draw entries you can get under this category! The more Qualified New Unique Investors# you bring in, the more chances for you to win!

赢 取 一 辆 全 新 的 Honda HR-V 或 其 他 丰 富 奖 品 的 机 会

在 活 动 期 间,累 积 投 资 每 10,000 令 吉 于 股 票 / 平 衡 / 混 合 资 产 基 金 付 佣 单 位 及/ 或 私 人 退 休 计 划 基 金 (PRS),即 可 获 得 一 张 幸 运 抽 奖 券。您 可 以 从 这 个 组 别 获 得 高 达 50 张 幸 运 抽 奖 券。

投 资 者 可 以 从 以 下 两 个 组 别 获 得 幸 运 抽 奖 券: 投 资 组 别 当 您 参 与 我 们 的 客 户 推 荐 计 划 (CRP) 并 成 功 向 我 们 推 荐 合 格 新 独 特 投 资 者# 时,您 也 可 以 获 得 更 多 幸 运 抽 奖 券。于 活 动 期 限 内 每 带 进 一 名 合 格 新 独 特 投 资 者# ,您 将 可 获 得 一 张 幸 运 抽 奖 券。 您 可 从 此 组 别 获 取 的 幸 运 抽 奖 券 是 没 有 限 制 的!您 所 带 进 的 合 格 新 独 特 投 资 者# 越 多,获 奖 的 机 会 就 越 高!

^ Qualified New Unique Investor refers to an individual (based on the firstholder’s NRIC and non-repeated) who inputs/applies your i-CRP Code when onboarding as a new investor with Public Mutual via and makes a cumulative online investment of at least RM1,000 into any of Public Mutual’s unit trust or PRS funds during the campaign period.

The contents of the fund mentioned are STRICTLY for information purposes ONLY. They DO NOT represent the views of Public Mutual Berhad. The contents are intended to introduce and promote the fund.
Kindly consult a Unit Trust Consultant before starting your investment.  Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the relevant Master Prospectuses, Supplemental Prospectuses, and Product Highlights Sheet (PHS) before investing. Investors should understand the risks of the fund, and compare and consider the fees, charges and costs involved in investing in the fund. A copy of the Prospectus and PHS can be viewed at our website Investors should make their own assessment of the merits and risks of the investment. If in doubt, investors should seek for professional advice. Please refer to for our investment disclaimer.

任何咨询,可随时直接联络 - 

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